How to order GoBricks parts for Stud.IO projects (50% cheaper than BrickLink!)

By Patrick COLE - March, 15th 2023

Order GoBricks parts for StudIO Projects
Order GoBricks parts for MOC StudIO Projects

Hello AFOBs !

In this tutorial we will discuss how you can order parts for your StudIO projects !

StudIO is a software developped by Bricklink and LEGO that lets you create brick designs virtually.
It is aimed to replace the old Lego Digital Designer (LDD).

The software gives you access to a wide range of parts to build your own creations (MOCs).

The StudIO software developped by BrickLink
The software can also generate instructions and nicely render your model.

Instructions generation StudIO
Now, if your build is complete the only thing that's left to do is to get your parts.

You can either pick parts from your own collection or order them online.

In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to order parts from an alternative brick brand called GoBricks.

This method is 50% cheaper than if you would order parts from LEGO via a website like BrickLink or BrickOwl.

So let's dive right into it !

1. Export part list from Stud.IO

How to export part list from a studio project

The first step is to export part list from your Stud.IO project.

Go to File > Export As > Export as WL xml and export the part list as XML.

There you go, you have the file containing all the parts needed for the set.

Next step is to buy them !

2. GoBricks VS the common BrickLink method

GoBricks vs Lego bricklink

BrickLink is an online website where you can order LEGO parts from all across the world.
Way too often you are not able to source all your parts from a single store, if not get all your parts.

Moreover, there is a major issue with this technique : price.

Everyone knows how expensive LEGO parts are, even used ones.
Moreover with BrickLink you will have to pay shipping fees for every single store you order parts from.

GoBricks is an alternative brick brand based in China.

They provide high quality plastic bricks and offer a wide range of parts.
You won't see no color difference in comparaison to LEGO and won't experience any problem while assembling bricks.

Unlike BrickLink, you will be able to source all your parts from this single, cheap, high-quality supplier.

GoBricks is about 50% cheaper than BrickLink overall, so you will likely save 50% on the total price of your MOC !

That's incredible !

For all such reasons, GoBricks is a much more convenient way to get your parts.

3. Upload part list on BuyMeBricks

BuyMeBricks upload form to order parts

It is now time to order your parts. As GoBricks is based in China, it is not convenient to order bricks directly from them.

The best way and also the cheapest is to source your parts with BuyMeBricks (the parts at BuyMeBricks are 100 % sourced at

Moreover, if the MOC contains very special and rare parts that are not available from GoBricks, they will source this part from another manufacturer.

Please visit this page to order your parts !

Upload your part list (the previously exported XML file) and type in your personal information.
Note : The address is the delivery address.

Then, click the submit button. You will receive an email within 24 hours with a quote and a link to order your parts.

4. Receive your quote and pay

BuyMeBricks payment gateway

Check your email, you should receive an email within 24 hours from BuyMeBricks.

Make sure to check your spam box.

The email contains your quote for this order and an Excel file which contains the recap of your order (the part list, the manufacturer in case some parts are unavailable at GoBricks, etc.).

You also get a link to the payment gateway. Click the link and choose your payment option.

Once you paid, GoBricks will prepare your parts within 7-10 days and we will send them directly to you !

We will provide a tracking number, you can track your package here.

5. Build your MOC !

Awesome ! You've now received your parts !

The only thing left is to reach back to your generated StudIO instructions and build your MOC.

Have a good build ;) !!!

And don't forget, send us your build at !

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